Sunday 5 November 2017

DAY 6 - 07/10/2017

October 7th - 32°

Time to leave LA and drive North - we all had a good nights sleep and we had all bags packed and ready to go the night before so all was calm in the morning and we were on the road at 09:00

Malibu was the first stop just 30 minutes drive for the apartment in LA. we stopped at the beach and it looked like there were quite a few surfers riding the waves... We were @ Malibu lagoon.

Kids put their feet in the water - actually we all did and the waves were big and the kids had a lot of fun. We were just on the edge of the sea as you could see that the current was very powerful and could even pull an adult out... it was right next to a row of houses where we could just see the first house, this house was up on stilts so that the water could flow under the house. This was a nice short stop.

On the way back to the car there was a guy who asked if we were from Denmark as he can tell we were speaking Danish. He had lived in Sweden for 21 years and his daughter was still living there and his son was living in Holland but for him California was the place to live as this was where he came from and this was where he wanted to live and surf...

The next stop was El Capitan Beach State Park -  this was going to be a quick restroom stop but we had to pay $10 to get in (as it was a State park) so we stayed about two hours.

The kids got to play in the sea again and they loved it. This was more of a family friendly beach and it was packed - the waves were not so crazy here.
We also brought our first ice creams of the holiday at this beach.
It was a very beautiful beach and a great place to stop for a few hours.

From here we turned to the satellite navigation to a place called "Solvang" A Danish town in USA -it was a 30 minute drive and for this we had to leave the coastal road and we went up into the mountains.

Solvang was a very pretty place to visit and it was worth the stop. We walked around the town and Maj-Britt brought something from the Christmas shop and we also got some bread and cakes from the Baker.

Now it was a straight 1 ½ hours to our overnight stop on the way Isabella needed the toilet so we had to stop quickly at a place called Pismo where we saw the Sun go down at the beach and we ate at a place called Brad’s restaurant. A very beautiful stop and a lively small town...

From Pismo it was a 40 minute drive in the dark to Cayucos Beach Inn

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