Sunday 12 November 2017

DAY 12 - 13/10/2017

October 13

The cabin was okay but cold, I think we were at around 6000 feet and in the morning we found the controller for the heating unit...

From 09:00 we were up and ready.

We had some quick breakfast in the room and then checked out and drove to the pick up point for the tour.
We have booked the valley floor tour that would last about three hours .
The tour was going to be in open wagon for by a tractor but instead it was a coach this was okay as it was quite cold in the morning but on the bad side we didn’t get the views that we were hoping for.
We made a few stops to get out and take photos and the driver was very informative.

 (I could add at least 100 photos from this day)

It was nice but Isabella was already tired and did not get out at all of the stops and even on the coach she was laying down on Maj-Britt.

After the tour we grab some food and ate in the car on the drive out.

The drive out was beautiful and the whole day was one of the best if not the best drive that I have had Mountains, Lakes, forests, valleys it had it all and around every corner it’s just got better and better... even once we were out of the forest and on our way south it was a great drive and views.

We also passed a smouldering fire.

Yosemite valley was 6000 feet high and at 1 point we were at 9000 feet where the temperature dropped to 50°F and there was snow on the floor in the shadows from the trees.

The kids again done really well and with little fuss and we arrived at the next stop which was Paramint springs just after sunset - the last 20 to 30 minutes were in the dark.

After we collected the keys for the house we walked over to the restaurant to get some food.

The place was nice and we sat outside at the start until a flying Beetle thing flew a little too close to Isabella and then it landed in front of her on the table... the following screams then took us inside to eat :)

On the walk back to the house that was only about 20 m away we could see with the lights on outside that there was a bat that would not leave and every five seconds also flying in and out of the porch.

Myself and the kids got the bags and went up to the door with the bat flying at us - Emil was hiding behind Isabella as I was at the front trying to unlock the door... the screams and laughing from the three of us... it was great fun :) by the time we were in we were all in hysterics and we could not stop laughing.
We turned off the outside lights so Maj-Britt could also come in and when she got to the door we locked it with Maj-Britt presses against the door screaming at us to let her in – Emil could not stop and he peed himself just a little...

We are all looking for a early start tomorrow as want to be out of the house as soon as possible and in Las Vegas.

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