Wednesday 15 November 2017

DAY 13 - 14/10/2017

October 14

Up and out early because Maj-Britt did not want to spend any more time in the house. we were out and on the road at 08:30

On our plan through Death Valley we only had "Bad Water" listed to look at but after looking at a map on the way I could see that there were a few more things that we could fit into the route...

Artists Drive

Artists palette

Old Harmony works

Zabriskie point

Today was a great drive and there were so many things to see both when driving and also stopping.
The route was amazing and not what I thought it would be - I was thinking flat and sandy but it was very rocky and mountainous with great colours and rock formations / shapes all the time...

When we started to drive from Paramint Springs I stopped to take a photo and I jumped out of the car and I came face-to-face with a wild dog… at first I didn’t know what to do and I froze then I jumped back into the car to take a photo and within a few minutes there were two of them stood looking at our car

We guessed they were waiting for food as it was close to the restaurant and the apartments so they must be local also at night we could hear scratching outside which I also think must be these wild dogs

In the valley the temperature was at 88°F which is 31°C

Was also found some sand dunes:

Bad water :

When we got out of the valley the drive became more of the same but still mountings on both sides as a backdrop..

We crossed the state line into Nevada and then soon we were in Vegas

In Nevada we passed the Air Force Base in Coldcreek on the other side there was a prison with signs on the road saying it was not allowed to pick up hitchhikers

We arrived at the hotel around about 3 o’clock in the afternoon and the kids were really happy to see a swimming pool and within minutes they were dressed ready for the pool and we took a quick dip and the kids loved it

We were out at 5 o’clock for a walk down to the top of the strip and to find some food. we stopped to get pizza and Chinese it was a nice walk lots of people and groups of guys and girls
when we finished our food it was dark and the strip started to light up
It was nice in a crazy way

Tomorrow we hope to get to see the lower part of the strip that we have not seen
we also want to shop a little and maybe if we have time I would like to see the pawnshop from the TV or counting cars garage also from the TV

The kids just want to jump into the pool all day…

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