Monday 6 November 2017

DAY 9 - 10/10/2017

October 10th 20°

Yesterday as we came into San Francisco we both had an emergency warning coming up on our phones about how to evacuate the area… The named evacuation areas we did not know so we had no idea what we were coming into while driving into San Francisco or even why these emergency warnings were coming on. At this time we did not know anything about the wildfires North of San Francisco.

We were in lightened later that evening when we watched the news that in Santa Rosa there were huge wildfires that have ripped through the area burning down homes and killing at this time - 10 people

This morning we woke and were out at 09:40 and the first thing that we would experience was the smoke in the air from the wildfires from the North, it was like a campfire smell in the air.

We had to find some place to eat so we went over to Pier 39 and went to the wipeout bar and Grill and had a really nice breakfast to start the day

We spent the next three hours at Fishermans wharf where we walked down the main street "Jefferson Street" to the aquatic Park beach which was not a great beach.

 But it did have some nice views of both the golden gate bridge and Alcatraz and we could also see Ghirardelli square that was overlooking the area.

We went up to the Chirardelli Square to take a look around and also buy a few chocolates after this the plan was - back to the hotel to get the car and headed out for the day.

On the way back to the hotel we stopped at the sweetshop where on the way up Emil had brought some crickets flavoured with bacon and cheese... On the way back I brought a lot of Nintendo tins of sweets and Isabella brought a unicorn poop lollipop :)

I also got to see the end of one of the tram line where they have to turn the trams by hand. This was interesting to see...

The morning was very misty but was starting to burn off around midday

We first drove to the fort point to see the bridge from the lower section...

We then drove to the "Palace of fine arts theatre" and it was huge with also very nice but small park with a pond and beautiful houses around the area.
While we were there there were 2 photo shoots taking place one was a wedding and the other was a fashion shoot.

The third stop was over to Baker beach and we found a stop or two on the way to take some photos of the Golden Gate Bridge.

The beach again was not great but we are comparing them to the beaches from Highway 1 so it would be hard for any beach to be anything like these...
Baker beach did give a different view of the bridge and also a town view to Sea Cliff - it was very nice.

We were now getting hungry so we jumped into the car and went over to the zigzag Lombard Street and stopped at the shop on the way to grab a few bites to eat.
The zigzag Street lived up to the photos that we had seen before and it was packed with people, not so many cars but people... it was very pretty with the flowers and the houses and the streets are crazy steep even more than what we thought…

From here we went back to the hotel so that we could all relax - the kids were very tired.

In the evening we just walked over to Pier 39 to look at the shops and buy a few sweets...

Tomorrow we will see how much more we can get to see…

Colt tower
Washington Park
The painted ladies of Alamo Square
Haight Ashbury
Golden gate park
Ocean Beach
Alcatraz (if we have time)

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