Saturday 11 November 2017

DAY 11 - 12/10/2017

October 12th 20° to 22°

Today we drove from San Francisco to Yosemite
In the morning we had ash on the car from the wildfires to the north.

We left San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge and then after a short drive north we turned east with many small stops on the way as in the kids needed the toilet every 30 minutes

North from San Francisco we could smell the smoke again even in the shops when we stopped you could hear people talking about the wildfires and how it was affecting them, their families or friends

The drive was split into three parts

1 - the highway to nothing special (this photo was over a bridge)

2 - Open country hills that were golden yellow with dry grass / hay

3 - Forest and mountains into Yosemite

Close to and inside Yosemite it was a beautiful drive and we were at one point 6192 feet up.
I had to take a few stops to have a look at the views as when driving I cannot see all the wonderful views...

It was getting close to sunset as we came in and the light was very beautiful shining on the mountains and through the trees...

At the village we got our room and some food for the kids so they could get to sleep as tomorrow will be a long day...

The room is fine but a little cold and all the talk about bears is fun for the kids but they are still not sure if we are joking about there being bears around the area. We had a few talks about what to do if the bears came and who would fight them off and also who would be sleeping closest to the door in the room so they will get eaten first.
The result was that Maj-Britt and Isabella were in the bed closest to the door and myself and Emil were with the bed furthest away.

About three or four times today we had to get petrol and is always strange as you have to pay first so I had to guess how much to charge my credit card each time - $40 is starting to be a close guess

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