Sunday 29 October 2017

DAY 5 - 06/10/2017

October 6th - 31°

Emil was up with Maj-Britt at 05:00
Isabella was up at 06:00
I was up at 07:00

There has been a lot of early starts and the kids have been tired at the end of every day.
Today Emil was tired and the heat did not help, Isabella was totally finished and did not have the energy for much today and we found this out quite early on in the day.

We left the apartment at 09:00 and set off to the Griffin Park Observatory on the way we found a shoe shop and bought some trainers… I bought three pairs, Maj-Britt two, Isabella one and Emil one… we were all happy to find new shoes as we had been looking for the last 4 days

We continued up to the park and the road was really nice with great views…

At the park there were great views over LA and also the Hollywood sign, the heat was really getting to us now and the kids and Maj-Britt stayed in the car with the air-conditioning on while I waited for the Observatory to open.

Once the Observatory was open I had a quick look around… there was so much to do but it was not fair on the others if I took too long to look around so I quickly took in what I could and got back to the car.

We were all hungry and needed a drink so I set the satellite navigation to union station and we found a "subway" close by to eat.
Isabella was totally finished at this point so we drop the rest of the day to go back to the apartment
We didn’t get to see union station or any of the other things on the list but Emil need the restroom so just over the road was the old Mexican place that was on the list… The Mexican place was really nice with lots of stalls and restaurants… we would’ve loved to look around more but we needed to get the kids back and after I showed the photos to Maj-Britt she really wanted to see the market as well… maybe next time.

At the apartment the kids got their energy back and we took a trip over the road to the shops
In the evening we went out to eat and the plan was to see the sunset at Santa Monica beach and then find a place to eat but we got there a little late so we took a few photos at the beach and then headed to the pier were we got a little bit lost on the way but then found the carpark. 

After a short walk along the pier…  crowded with lots of people who were out and about… after we had eaten we looked around the fairground rides, there was also an open air Cinema on the pier and then after we were finished we drove back as it was late for the kids.

We needed petrol on the way back and we stop at the closest one. I was unsure if the car was petrol or diesel so to make sure I had to smell the tank as I opened it as there is no writing anywhere to show what it was… I had no idea how to tank the car and also had no idea how to pay so I had to ask a guy who was also filling up his car on the way to a strip joint… but in the end I had to go into the shop and then pay a cash deposit, then tank and then get the money back that I didn’t use… strange concept.

At the apartment we packed so we ready to leave LA the next day

The LA apartment in Glendon Avenue - Westwood was the perfect location, it was clean and had enough space for the kids to relax and so we could also relax in the evening... all in all it was a great start to the holiday

LA was much better than expected with great areas to drive and look around at the houses for example Beverly Hills, Bel-Air, Westwood and the Hollywood hills…

We will also remember the smell of the trees when driving through Beverly Hills...
and the amount of homeless people around…

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