Thursday 4 May 2017

Yosemite National Park Booked :)

Pulled the trigger and booked up 2 nights...

We had 3 options for this stop over:

1) They have tented huts right in the heart of the park but these are only available until around the start of October (if the weather is ok) other lodges were also available but I found it hard to find my way around the whole thing... so went back to the tried and tested

2) Closest cabins to the gates of the park were very nice but with this the price was also high

3) The lodge a few miles further out from the no. 2 option and a much better price

We went for the 3rd option... thinking Vegas would be the next big stop and I need to save a little money so that I have at least 500USD to try to make back the increasing costs of this holiday in the casino's :) I think that I could do this...

Hotel number 5 - Yosemite Westgate Lodge

Hotel No. 5 (2 nights)

Yosemite National Park Via Wikipedia

This is booked for now but I will be looking over the next few days to see if I can get a better location... I have thought about the information from my last post and I would like to get as close as possible... the cost would increase but lets see...

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