Friday 5 May 2017

Las Vegas - Booked (2 nights for now - could be changed to 1)

Vegas booked

The Rita Suits - As close to the strip as I could get without spending all of our gambling money... Las Vegas has never really done anything for me, I have of course seen it on TV and in the movies but never had the urge to visit...

A city of Hotels / Casinos surrounded by a poor neighborhood of addicted gamblers and nothing much more... maybe I have been watching the wrong programs and there is more to it... maybe I will be surprised in a positive way...

Of course I would like to see the strip at night... the city come to life... But this could be a challenge with the kids... Isabella is normally asleep by 19:00 and Emil follows around 20:00-20:30 and if Maj-Britt is with them then she falls asleep... So I can go out then and party !!

We might have to take it in turns to go out at the evenings while the other stays at the apartment with the sleeping kids... Rock N Roll....

Hotel Nr. 6 (2 Nights)

Las Vegas Via Wikipedia

I love the first photo of the hotel in the ad.... it makes you think that the hotel is the big one in the photo...

But it is really the hotel on the right of the photo above...
The photo below is the hotel...

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