Tuesday 2 May 2017

From Los Angeles we will be heading North... Highway 1

The original plan was to take 2 overnight stops so that we can really enjoy the coast. The stops would be Cayucos (at the bottom of the map) & Monterey (at the top of the map) both ends of the most beautiful part of the highway.

We have booked the first overnight at Cayucos Beach Inn (This hotel is open to be changed or removed at no cost)

Hotel No. 2 (1 night)

Cayucos via Wikipedia

The second overnight at Motel 6 Monterey North Fremont Street (This hotel is open to be changed or removed at no cost)

After these 2 hotels were booked I found out from a very helpful person on the LP forum that the Bridge @ Big Sur was broken and needed to be taken down and a new temp. bridge is to be built. This is huge as there is no way around this Bridge and the de-tour as I understand it will be big !! A back up plan is needed...

The new temp. bridge is set to open on the 30/09/2017 and we are planned to drive over it on the 08/10/2017

So any delay to this could be costly for our trip... what to do, what to do ??

News - Big Sur Bridge

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