Monday 1 May 2017

This blog is for 2 reasons:

1) I learnt with the passing of my father in 2015 that we as people... as families... as friends need to enjoy this very short time that we have together.

2) I wanted to document this time in our lives so that my children can read in the years to come what we did right here right now and maybe share it with their children.

I am in no way a "blogger" and have never tried this before so it will be fun to see where it takes us and who it picks up on the way.

A little about us...

We are a family of 4 living in a small town in Denmark.
(Denmark that is a country for itself and in no way part of our friends to the north "Norway" or "Sweden")
Many living outside of Europe find the geography of Scandinavia a little confusing so I hope we have this straight now...

I myself come from a town in the south west of England and found my way to Denmark though my girlfriend at the time and now wife - Maj-Britt.

We have 2 kids - Isabella and Emil that are at times a handful like all kids of their ages.

Since having kids we have found it difficult to plan and most important book the holidays that we wanted to take... There is so much to think about with small kids... We have until now taken short vacations back to England to see family and also short trips in Europe down to Germany, up to Norway / Sweden and of course around the wonderful and lovely country of Denmark.
There has also been trips to Greece and in a few weeks time we will be taking a week on Mallorca... but the itch has always been there for myself to travel further a field and show the kids what is out there...

The wait has been long and hard but now the time is right... at the age of 7 and 8 (they will be 8 and 9 by the time we get there) we are ready to spread our wings and fly that little bit more :)

My first though was to USA and more to the point New York... from this we could also drive down to Washington DC and also up to Niagara to see the falls and maybe into Canada. This was a trip that I took on my own in 2005 and on this trip I fell in love with New York. I never thought that it would happen but it did and ever since I got back from there I have wanted to return.

We talked our plans through and we were both set on New York...

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