Monday 1 May 2017

A quick update to the standard questions that I am being asked:

We have already hired a car for the whole of the trip. We were looking at the idea of renting an RV but then went against this due to the issues with driving around the cites, having to sleep in the RV and the toilet situation.

We landed a 7 person car / van as we thought that this would be enough space for the 4 of us and the bags.

I did look at the drop top mustang that they had but then we would have to have 2 of them for us and the bags...

What we want from this trip...

Nature  - Yes
Wildlife - Yes
Beaches - Yes
Historical sites - Yes
Breath taking views - Yes
A mix of the must see tourist spots - Yes

Hiking - No
Walking more that 10 minutes at a time - No
Shopping - No (This will be hard to tell Maj-Britt... so we will say Yes but max. 2 hours for the trip)
Spending all our money in Las Vegas - No

We are looking at staying in hotels 3 - 4* (2* if they are clean)
No camping

## Everyone (if I know you or not) is more than welcome to comment and leave their views on the planning... All input is very much needed :) ##

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