Wednesday 7 June 2017

We are back... Back from Mallorca and back with a new post to update the blog...

We spent 7 days on the Spanish island from the 30/05 - 06/06 (2017)

I brought a new camera (used) before the holiday as I want to take some good quality photos for the USA trip in October.
Thinking that my iPhone 6 and its camera is not up to the job for this...

We have never invested in a good camera before.. we have always had "point and shoot" camera's that can just do the job...

After a little research on used cameras I went for the Nikon D5000 - a basic good camera for an OK price.

Just looking at cameras for the first time on the net I have to say that I was a little lost in the whole subject (and still am) I was looking a reviews and blogs only to find my eyes could not tell the difference between the "side by side" shots that show the good and bad photos - They all looked good to me. I think that you need to know what you are looking at before you can see the differences...

I found a camera from a private person who had the camera from new in 2010 to take photos of their children.
The shutter count was under 4500 so only 4% of the life.

I printed out and read some of the manual before we left so that I could take it with me to Mallorca to get some in the field practise under my belt. I am thinking that I can find out the photos that do not come out so good and then read how to correct these types of photo and then practise to make them better...

Over 700 photos later I now have to upload them and see what photos make it to the final cut and uploaded onto the blog.

I will take the next few days to write and show the 7 days of Mallorca in all its glory - day by day

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