Friday 30 June 2017

How to find a way around these 2 closed roads on Highway 1...

Goal is to see as much of Highway 1 as possible...
We have just a single day to see this...
We have the 2 overnight hotels / motels in place so we know our A to B...

Lets take a look:

If BOTH points are still closed on the day...

It looks to me that from the overnight in the south we can travel as much as we can up the HW1 until the land slide just south of the town of Gorda. (09:00 - 11:00)

From here we will have to back track the same way to Cambria and then take the 46 out to the 101and north to the 68 (11:00 - 15:00)

We can then book into the motel in the north and then take the afternoon and evening to drive down from Monterey to the missing or new bridge (depending if it is rebuilt in time) (16:00 - 18:00)

Then make our way back up to the motel (18:00 - 20:00)

If Just the land slide point is closed and the bridge is open on the day...

We could have the chance to take the smaller roads around the land slide and cut into the coast in the south of Big Sur. This would be ideal if the new bridge is open at the time of travel.

It looks to me that from the overnight in the south we can travel as much as we can up the HW1 until the land slide just south of the town of Gorda. (09:00 - 11:00)

From here we will have to back track the same way to the San Simon Monterey Creek road and take the back road to the south of Big Sur (11:00 - 16:00)

Then we can take the last Northern part of the HW1 up to the overnight in Monterey (16:00 - 19:00)

If time is looking a little tight in the morning or if the traffic is building then we can look at taking the road back to Cayucos and driving the larger load around saving an hour or so... We also have the option in the morning to take a direct route to the south of Big Sur and start from there...

Many options but they all depend on the situation closer to the day and what roads are open and closed.

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