Tuesday 13 June 2017

Day 3

Today was the first day that we could really get down to the pool and relax.

This is what the kids have been waiting for...

They loved the pool and it was nice to see them playing together.

After lunch we were up to the room to relax with the kids because they were tired after a full morning in the pool... They needed a bit of downtime so took to their iPads.

At this time I broke out of the hotel and took a short walk down into the town. We were unsure how far away the shops were so this was the chance to look and see if Isabella could make the trip another day...

Emil wanted to come with me so we got our things together and headed out...

Our route was not planned as we were unsure what was close by but from the above blue line on the map you can see where we ended up.

Below is a visual walk in photos:

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