Wednesday 14 June 2017

Lollo & Bernie

These 2 also need to be named as now we are just over half way through the holiday we have found that these 2 have taken on a big role with the kids...

Lollo & Bernie

At every meal... At every visit to the pool... every time we walked through the hotel... all the kids wanted to know was where L & B were and when they would see them again.

In the evenings after the meal they would put on a kids show most nights that because a rutine for us to be finished and at the stage lounge to see it... this was always followed by a mini disco and then a chance to give them a hug and high 5

Was really nice to see both of them (Emil & Isabella) enjoying themselves so much

The kids finished the holidays with both toys, posters & postcards of these 2 and I have to say that the holiday company know how to make their money with these things $$

Even now I still have part of their song running around my head... and so that it is not just me you are also allowed to have this nightmare...

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