Friday 30 June 2017

How to find a way around these 2 closed roads on Highway 1...

Goal is to see as much of Highway 1 as possible...
We have just a single day to see this...
We have the 2 overnight hotels / motels in place so we know our A to B...

Lets take a look:

If BOTH points are still closed on the day...

It looks to me that from the overnight in the south we can travel as much as we can up the HW1 until the land slide just south of the town of Gorda. (09:00 - 11:00)

From here we will have to back track the same way to Cambria and then take the 46 out to the 101and north to the 68 (11:00 - 15:00)

We can then book into the motel in the north and then take the afternoon and evening to drive down from Monterey to the missing or new bridge (depending if it is rebuilt in time) (16:00 - 18:00)

Then make our way back up to the motel (18:00 - 20:00)

If Just the land slide point is closed and the bridge is open on the day...

We could have the chance to take the smaller roads around the land slide and cut into the coast in the south of Big Sur. This would be ideal if the new bridge is open at the time of travel.

It looks to me that from the overnight in the south we can travel as much as we can up the HW1 until the land slide just south of the town of Gorda. (09:00 - 11:00)

From here we will have to back track the same way to the San Simon Monterey Creek road and take the back road to the south of Big Sur (11:00 - 16:00)

Then we can take the last Northern part of the HW1 up to the overnight in Monterey (16:00 - 19:00)

If time is looking a little tight in the morning or if the traffic is building then we can look at taking the road back to Cayucos and driving the larger load around saving an hour or so... We also have the option in the morning to take a direct route to the south of Big Sur and start from there...

Many options but they all depend on the situation closer to the day and what roads are open and closed.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Back on track with California...

Since I have last looked at our trip in October I have seen that the Highway 1 has more problems... not only do they have the bridge to build but now a little further south they have had land slides...

Lets hope that there is no more bad news and that they have the time to rebuild most of the highway before the start of October... they have just over 3 months.

I think that I need to look a re-routing around these hotspots and see if the hotels need to be changed.

Thursday 15 June 2017

On our way home...

Our last day in Mallorca... we were to be picked up from the hotel in the afternoon so we had the morning free for the kids to take one last swim in the pool. After this we had 3+ hours to kill in the hotels function room (show room) where there were some nice seating areas where the kids & adults could have some iPad / iPhone time.

Bus and Flight were fine and we were home just before midnight...

A BIG thank you to Lisbeth x

Day 6

We could see in advance that the day would be a little wet.

At the night I was woke twice to the sound of thunder and there was to be a 60-80% chance of rain most of the day...

There was a dry window between 11:00 - 13:00 so we thought that we would use this time to take a walk to the shops in the town. For this to happen we needed to find out about hiring a pushchair for Isabella as she would not be able to walk so far...

At the hotel reception they had pushchairs to hire for the day but they thought that it would be better to see if we wanted to use their wheelchair for kids that they have... they said that they had not used it for a long time so we could take it for free if we wanted.

We borrowed the chair and took off into town.

Isabella and Emil both thought that is was fun to try the chair... they were able to push themselves along and Emil was even making tricks ( I am not sure that he was planning on this as the chair nearly flipped over)

We walked as far as we cycled the day before and then turned to walk home once it started to rain in light drops.

We sheltered from the rain for a few minutes.

Once the rain had stopped Maj-Britt and the rest headed back and I wanted to walk a little further to see what was around the corner... thinking I would be able to catch up with them on the way back...

A few minutes in and the heavens opened and it RAINED not lightly as before... This was heavy rain and cover was required.

I hid at an Indian Ice-cream / cafe shop for about 20-30minutes and it was not letting up so made the choice to head back in the rain... by the time I got to the hotel I caught up with the others and we were all VERY wet and had only the rest of today and tomorrow morning to dry out the clothes and pack them !!

A hour later the sun was out and people were in the pool again...

We stayed at the hotel the rest of the day and I took some photos of some Flowers because every time Maj-Britt's mum returns from a trip we look at her photos and at least half of them are flowers / bushes / trees... I have never really understood why but to please her here are some photos I took :)

Day 5

A lot like day 4 but after a short sleep after lunch for Isabella we took to the town and hired a bike for us all...

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Lollo & Bernie

These 2 also need to be named as now we are just over half way through the holiday we have found that these 2 have taken on a big role with the kids...

Lollo & Bernie

At every meal... At every visit to the pool... every time we walked through the hotel... all the kids wanted to know was where L & B were and when they would see them again.

In the evenings after the meal they would put on a kids show most nights that because a rutine for us to be finished and at the stage lounge to see it... this was always followed by a mini disco and then a chance to give them a hug and high 5

Was really nice to see both of them (Emil & Isabella) enjoying themselves so much

The kids finished the holidays with both toys, posters & postcards of these 2 and I have to say that the holiday company know how to make their money with these things $$

Even now I still have part of their song running around my head... and so that it is not just me you are also allowed to have this nightmare...

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Day 4

Another pool day...

Again after lunch Emil and I broke free and went to try the bikes that we had seen the day before.

With the bike we were able to travel further down the coast.

After the bike ride Emil was a little tired but he did well as it was hard for him to reach the pedels from the seat :)

He really enjoyed the time we had together on the bike and he found it fun... so it was well worth the money.