Sunday 29 October 2017

DAY 3 - 04/10/2017

October 4 - 26°


The day started again at 04:00 in the morning when Emil woke up and then I was also awake... Isabella also woke shortly after... an early start so it was confirmed that today we would go to Disneyland.

We were all up and out of the door at 07:00 the drive was looking like 1 ½ hours across the city - traffic at this time was still busy but we tried the carpool lane as the traffic in some parts was backed up... carpool lanes are great and we need these in Denmark!!

It was amazing to us that there were so many cars with just a single person… so many cars

We arrived at Disneyland just gone 08:30

We had to pass through security and metal detectors before being let through…

4 tickets cost $376 just to get into DisneyLand

The whole day from  08:45 to 17:30 it was a long hot and tiring day... many photos and films to show the whole day...

Traffic on the way home through Los Angeles was crazy and the satellite navigation was not helping too much… sending me from left to right lines and jumping from one side to the other it was difficult at times in solid nose to tail traffic…
But on the plus side I’m getting better at reading the traffic and joining in… I still have a few questions with speed limits, line markings, signs, turning right on red lights and understanding some words but apart from this it’s all going okay 

We were late home I went down the block and ordered an 18 inch pizza which was great…  

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