Sunday 29 October 2017

DAY 2 - 03/10/2017

October 3rd - 25°

Los Angeles (My Birthday)

Jetlag - the kids were awake at 3am / 4am and watching TV in our bed.
The kids and Maj-Britt had made me some last minute handmade cards for my Birthday and the kids included some sweets - Kinder bar and a lollipop.

Now at 06:00 the kids were dressed and have eaten breakfast which was “lucky charms”
Maj-Britt is in the shower and I am up and ready after eating cinnamon raisin toast in bed with the kids.

We have been re-thinking the day from what was planned - we had a full day in Hollywood but now after the kids have woke up early we are now rethinking that maybe we should go to the beach in Santa Monica and Venice boardwalk.

We started the day with a drive into Beverly Hills. we drove around Beverly Hills and were amazed by the size and beauty of the houses. we drove down sunset boulevard and then stopped off at the lily pond with the Beverly Hills sign - there was also a very old and strange tree right by the pond it was really nice and nothing like any tree I have seen before.

We drove out to Bel-Air from here and up into the hills the houses got bigger and bigger and were amazing - huge houses and so many different styles there was quite a number of new houses also being built. we found that the more expensive the houses the less that we could see of them…
This was a very nice drive with not so many places to stop.

We also saw a lot of gardeners who were also very typical of the stereotype – Mexican. Some of the houses also had separate driveways for the “service” I will never forget one house that was still being built.. it was a modern house - Just a white block house with walls of glass with great views and it was huge… we drove around the corner and still it was there…

From Bel-Air we headed over to Santa Monica Pier.

The weather was not great at this time in the morning it was quite cloudy and a little dark.
We parked up at the short stay carpark for just two dollars - right at the pier.

The first sight of the pier was not like the photos I had seen… much more rundown and no “lights or fun” - the original design for the pier was to make the pier to hide the sewage pipe into the sea and it was more like this…
Also the amount of homeless people is crazy groups and single people on the beach and grass just sleeping…

We made our way down the pier and it was a nice walk at the end. we stopped and watched the Fisherman fishing and there was a seal hanging around to steal the fish from the lines… there was a local fisherman who said that he was there every day to get an easy meal from the lines.

You could also see under the pier at all the support beams - this for me was very interesting and nice to see.

Also at the end of the pier there was a glass case of Route 66 things that I took a photo of to take a look at a later time.

 By the time we were heading back down the pier the Sun was coming out and it was getting hotter also the stand selling things were starting to open and the shops and other things were all waking up… there was a little life that came into the Pier and it was starting to show what it could give…

We stopped at the last burger joint on “the land” at the start of the pier to get breakfast - I thought it was funny that it was the last burger joint on Route 66 (land) as there was another burger joint further down the pier that was the last of Route 66 (not the land) We had four bacon egg and cheese sandwiches with fries and Coke and Maj-Britt had a coffee – they were actually really good – not so healthy but typical American

By the time we had eaten there where many people coming onto the pier now… stopping to get a photo of the route 66 sign

From here we drove down to Venice Beach and boardwalk - Venice Beach and boardwalk was a very strange but interesting place - the beach was great, the muscle beach area was a little old but nice to see and the kids spent some time working out at the sand pit with bars etc. at the back, the boardwalk was very tacky with the tourist souvenirs, tattoo studios and cannabis shops, the skate park was also fun to see.

Driving out of Venice beach we got to see the house and areas around the beach and we just had to stop and see as it was very beautiful and wonderful waterways and houses with humpback Bridges over the water - if possible I would love to get back here and explore more.

At this time Isabella was very tired and we needed to head back to the apartment – so the rest of the day was at and around the apartment.

I bought some T-shirts from the target shop over the road and we walked around the area and we brought a cooler box for the car that we would use for later on in the trip to fill with ice to keep drinks and snacks cold. we also bought some sunglasses for all of us except Emil… he has been spending his money on sweets that he has on his list from YouTube -  things that we have never heard of before…

My birthday dinner was to gigantic hot subs from over the road at "Jersey Mike’s" they were meatballs and chicken – nobody liked them except me. The kids were so tired at the end of the day that they fell asleep straight away.

Looking at the weather for the next four days it is getting hotter from 26 to 28 to 31 to 32

Disneyland was planned for the Friday which will be 32° so we are thinking of moving things around…

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