Sunday 29 October 2017

DAY 1 - 02/10/2017

October 2nd - 25°

Denmark to Los Angeles

We drove from home at 8 o’clock in the morning and the weather was very wet... the car was packed from the day before and we just had the last hand baggage to put in.

The drive to Copenhagen was slow wet and difficult to see but we got there on time and parked up.
Car park P15 was just a short bus ride to terminal two and Emil was good to help with the bags and Isabella was in her pushchair.
In terminal two we got booked in and checked in the bags, we also got a tag for Isabella’s chair so we could take it to the gate.
Through security my bag was stopped and there was talks about what was in my bag… I was asked if I had an antenna in the bag and they showed me the x-ray to see what I thought it was… it was very strange and I could not explain what it was so it went through the machine again. she opened the bag very carefully and we found it was the extension cord that I brought so we could charge all our electronic items… they said that they had not seen this before but all was ok.

The flight was a little delayed from the start as they had problems with the baggage machines and had to get a new time slot… just a 30 minute delay but this was made up in the air.
The actual flight was okay just over 10 hours the TV screens were great for the kids (and adults) and they were fixed to these screens for most of the flight.
Isabella did get to sleep and this was great as we were a little worried about her… she slept for hours.  Emil did not sleep and he was so tired at the end… he watched about four or five films on the plane.

We pre-booked meals on the flight and this was a good idea as the choice on the menu was not great. The meals were okay but nothing special. Isabella ate her food okay but Emil was being very fussy and did not eat so much.

Flying into LA in the daytime was nice as I got to see the changing landscape... it was very mountainous we came over the Rockies but the changes from kilometre to kilometre was crazy from patchy fields to mountings to sand...

When flying into LA I was filming a few short films and I got to see the Hollywood sign it was a little hazy but it was there now we were in Los Angeles.

Customs was looking like it was going to take forever the queue was so big after we had photos and fingerprints on the machine but we still had to queue in a huge line… six rows of over 100 people in each line.
After 10 minutes and looking at another one hour plus Maj-Britt could see Isabella was getting tired and she did not have her chair as it was being sent to the baggage reclaim… we could see there was a section for special assistance so we asked with Isabella’s card if we could get through… and we did – just 5 minutes later and we were talking to the police.
The policeman who checked us through was a real nice guy who was half Danish but had never been to Denmark… he was talking a little Danish and it all just took 10 minutes.. very quick and without any problems.

With a short bus ride from the airport to pick up the car (approximately 10 minutes) The car was prepaid but we paid for roadside assistance cover just to make sure as we were going to be driving a lot.
They checked us through again without any issues and we picked up our van - a huge Kia that was a seven seater and it looked good… I think that it would do the job. The car is an automatic and Maj-Britt is a little worried about driving it.

I have to say that I have only drove 20 to 30 minutes in the car today and it was a little scary but also fun at the same time – We drove straight out from the car hire into a six lane freeway (6 lanes both side so 12 lanes) with lots of traffic.

I look forward to driving more in the car - driving to the apartment at Westwood was fine and driving into Los Angeles felt so great… such a free feeling.

Getting the keys for the apartment was a little time-consuming as we had to wait for a guy to meet us but now we were in.. 

Emil and I went over the road to the shop “Target” for some basics for tonight and in the morning. Emils eyes just lit up with all the sweets, cakes and cereals that he had seen before on “YouTube” he was naming all these brands and telling me what he wanted to get and what he wanted to try…

The kids and Maj-Britt are now sleeping and I will be following them very soon - not had much time at the apartment but already Maj-Britt has already broken Emil’s bed and he has to sleep on the floor and then she moved all the things in front of the door so nobody can get in.

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